Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Minutes! 12-4-12

Another tiny meeting! Just me and Felipe and Raphael. Have people's schedules changed? Would another night of the week work better now? Let me know. Here's what you missed:
  • We read a rewrite of Chapter 2 of Becky's novel. Discussion ensued.
  • Raphael read some of his automatic writing. Discussion ensued.
  • We all wrote little stories based on this prompt: "She has her headphones in." (We tried to ask Lindsey for a prompt, but she had her headphones in. So that's how that happened.)
  • There is a Pop-Up Book Fair at the Empty Bottle this Sunday from 2-7 p.m. Who wants to check out some local publishers and go Christmas shopping with me? The event is free with RSVP. Click the link for more info. (I think I already invited you all on Facebook.)
  • The next Dollhouse Reading Series is on December 15th. Anyone want to go hear some poetry?
  • I thought I mentioned this a million years ago, but apparently I didn't. I am a terrible person. At any rate, our very own Rachel Hinton was published in the Denver Quarterly this year! Congratulate her. For real.
  • Our next meeting will be Tuesday, December 18th at 7:30 p.m. at my place. The usual. We can have a little holiday shindig if you'd like. 
And that's about it. See you all soon! 

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