Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Minutes! 5-8-12

Here's what happened in the world of DWChitown:
  • Rachel described what it was like to be in a creative writing MFA program. Very helpful!
  • We read two of Rachel's poems. Discussion ensued. Interesting topic - narrative poem vs. poems about one object/person/thing.
  • We read Raphael's play. Discussion ensued. Interesting topic - the information garnered from seeing a play written down vs. seeing it performed. 
  • We read the first chapter of Gena's romance novel. Discussion ensued. Interesting topic - writing a parody that still fits into the genre that it's parodying, such as Shaun of the Dead.
  • We read the first part of Felipe's short story. Discussion ensued. Interesting topic - even if you intend for a detail about a character to be treated nonchalantly, will your audience treat it that way? 
  • We did not have time to read Chapter 4, Pt. 1 of Becky's novel. But Felipe had already read it, so he gave notes, and Gena gave notes about the parts that she had read. This is a good time to mention that online feedback is fun! We should email each other our thoughts, especially when it comes to longer stories.
  • Gena suggested that we have a party sometime and/or several parties where we get drunk and read plays aloud. Several others expressed interest. Hopefully Gena will be emailing us about that sometime in the not-too-distant future.
  • The Northwestern University library is having a book sale this week
  • Raphael is in a play called After the Quake, based on the short stories of Haruki Murakami. We should all go see it when it starts!
  • Our next meeting will be at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 22nd at Becky's apartment. 
It's nice that we can have another meeting before Memorial Day. Hope to see you all then!

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