Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Minutes! 5-22-12

Oh man, it was quite the tiny, tangential meeting this evening! But lots of fun. Here's what you missed:
  • We read two pieces of Jane's flash fiction. Discussion ensued. Interesting ideas: can a flash piece be a good beginning for a longer story? Does shaking someone's hand feel like a boob?
  • We decided Jane should write a book of short stories that are descriptions of body parts until she cobbles together a sort of Frankenstein person.
  • Gena recommended The Book of Beginnings and Endings. It's exactly what it sounds like--just the beginnings and endings of stories.
  • We read the second half of Chapter 4 of Becky's novel. Discussion ensued. Interesting idea: does using a brand name in your story make it too dated? 
  • Becky now has a year's subscription to Writer's Digest, so if you want to borrow an issue or something, let her know.
  • Gena started a blog in which she will write a letter to you if you give her a topic. Check it out!
  • Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 5th, 7:30 p.m. at Becky's apartment. 
That's all for now. See you next time! 

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