Monday, December 26, 2011

Minutes! 12-20-11

Sorry I took so long to post the minutes from this week! Holiday things, etc. Life gets busy. Here's what happened:
  • We did a writing exercise in which we each imagined a place, described an object in that place, then picked someone else's object and wrote it into our place. It was fun! And thus, I ended up with a red trolley in my graveyard.
  • We read a portion of the second chapter of Glenn's novel. Constructive criticism followed.
  • Becky read the beginning of a story she started a long time ago. Constructive criticism followed.
  • David read his own story. Constructive criticism followed.
  • We decided to change things up for the next meeting and meet up at Glenn's apartment. Address will be given to members through the Google Group. The meeting will be January 3rd.
  • It turns out that an awful lot of us like Doctor Who, and that there is a TARDIS whiskey tasting is taking place at the Irish Bistro on Lincoln the second Tuesday of January. Thus, a DWChitown special event may be in the works...
Anyway, that's about it. Hope your holidays have been lovely. See you all in 2012!

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