Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Minutes! 12-13-11

Overall, our most recent meeting ended up being more like a brainstorming session, which was kind of fun. It's neat that we change things up so often. Here's what happened:
  • We were missing David due to illness (get better soon!) and Beckah due to exhaustion (get some sleep, you!), but Leta, founder of the original Drivel & Wit, virtually joined in via Google +. We made good use of the virtual mustache function now offered by Google + Hangouts. The future is now.
  • Leta described the basic premise of her upcoming paranormal teen romance series, and she went into detail about some of the characters. The rest of the group came up with some ideas to help her flesh out the plot.
  • Becky described the basic premise of her upcoming novel, and read the introduction of it to the group. The group asked many questions, which helped her to think about how she needs to approach things.
  • Becky read a portion of the first chapter of Glenn's upcoming novel, "The Impossible (Walter) Heap." Glenn explained the premise of the novel, and many questions and constructive criticisms followed.
  • Meg read Felipe's story. A conversation about mother-daughter relationships and some constructive criticism ensued.
  • Raphael asked the group's opinion about an idea he had for a screenplay or play or graphic novel that largely takes place in the mind of someone who's unconscious. Discussion of various angles followed. Raphael also did an excellent impression of Jimmy Stewart explaining nihilism, for which he should be congratulated. 
  • We decided that we want to use the Drivel & Wit Google Group more often to comment on each other's stories between meetings. That way people who can't make it every week can still participate, and it might make critiquing some of the longer stories easier. 
  • We decided that the 27th would be a bad day to meet, since so many people are out of town for Christmas. But because we couldn't bear the horror of going three weeks without meeting, our next meeting will be Tuesday, December 20th at Becky's apartment.
  • We decided that the next meeting will start with a writing exercise of some kind, presented by Meg. Bring paper and a pen!
And I do believe that's all. In other news, I added some more resources to this website. There are poetry, songwriting, and screenwriting-specific sites now. Check it out! I'll see you Tuesday. 

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