Monday, December 26, 2011

Minutes! 12-20-11

Sorry I took so long to post the minutes from this week! Holiday things, etc. Life gets busy. Here's what happened:
  • We did a writing exercise in which we each imagined a place, described an object in that place, then picked someone else's object and wrote it into our place. It was fun! And thus, I ended up with a red trolley in my graveyard.
  • We read a portion of the second chapter of Glenn's novel. Constructive criticism followed.
  • Becky read the beginning of a story she started a long time ago. Constructive criticism followed.
  • David read his own story. Constructive criticism followed.
  • We decided to change things up for the next meeting and meet up at Glenn's apartment. Address will be given to members through the Google Group. The meeting will be January 3rd.
  • It turns out that an awful lot of us like Doctor Who, and that there is a TARDIS whiskey tasting is taking place at the Irish Bistro on Lincoln the second Tuesday of January. Thus, a DWChitown special event may be in the works...
Anyway, that's about it. Hope your holidays have been lovely. See you all in 2012!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Minutes! 12-13-11

Overall, our most recent meeting ended up being more like a brainstorming session, which was kind of fun. It's neat that we change things up so often. Here's what happened:
  • We were missing David due to illness (get better soon!) and Beckah due to exhaustion (get some sleep, you!), but Leta, founder of the original Drivel & Wit, virtually joined in via Google +. We made good use of the virtual mustache function now offered by Google + Hangouts. The future is now.
  • Leta described the basic premise of her upcoming paranormal teen romance series, and she went into detail about some of the characters. The rest of the group came up with some ideas to help her flesh out the plot.
  • Becky described the basic premise of her upcoming novel, and read the introduction of it to the group. The group asked many questions, which helped her to think about how she needs to approach things.
  • Becky read a portion of the first chapter of Glenn's upcoming novel, "The Impossible (Walter) Heap." Glenn explained the premise of the novel, and many questions and constructive criticisms followed.
  • Meg read Felipe's story. A conversation about mother-daughter relationships and some constructive criticism ensued.
  • Raphael asked the group's opinion about an idea he had for a screenplay or play or graphic novel that largely takes place in the mind of someone who's unconscious. Discussion of various angles followed. Raphael also did an excellent impression of Jimmy Stewart explaining nihilism, for which he should be congratulated. 
  • We decided that we want to use the Drivel & Wit Google Group more often to comment on each other's stories between meetings. That way people who can't make it every week can still participate, and it might make critiquing some of the longer stories easier. 
  • We decided that the 27th would be a bad day to meet, since so many people are out of town for Christmas. But because we couldn't bear the horror of going three weeks without meeting, our next meeting will be Tuesday, December 20th at Becky's apartment.
  • We decided that the next meeting will start with a writing exercise of some kind, presented by Meg. Bring paper and a pen!
And I do believe that's all. In other news, I added some more resources to this website. There are poetry, songwriting, and screenwriting-specific sites now. Check it out! I'll see you Tuesday. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Minutes! 11-29-11

TV Voiceover: Last time, on Drivel & Wit Chicago--
  • New members! Raphael, Maggie, Lindsey, Liz
  • General consensus: meeting at an apartment is highly enjoyable. There are couches. There is alcohol and food. It is quiet. What's not to love?
  • Felipe read Becky's story, "Sinister Little Me." Constructive criticism ensued.
  • David read Elizabeth's story "AeroMexico." Constructive criticism ensued.
  • Liz sang a lovely new song. Discussion and constructive criticism of the lyrics ensued.
  • We took turns reading Glenn's story "Shadows Over Eden." Constructive criticism and LOTS OF HEATED DEBATE ensued. 
  • Maggie, Lindsey and Liz read part of Maggie's television screenplay. Constructive criticism ensued.
  • We decided that our next meeting will be Tuesday, December 13th at 7:30 p.m. at Becky's apartment.
Post meeting, Glenn, Raphael, and I were thinking that maybe if a story is as long as Glenn's, the author could pick a part he or she wants read, or ask if any one else has a particular portion that they want to read. Not that we didn't love Glenn's story (we most certainly did!), but it did take an awfully long time to read, and it's not as though we had time to discuss every page we read aloud anyway. Furthermore, if we have more to say about longer stories, we can always discuss them online on our google group. That way the discussion can go on for all eternity. Or, you know, for as long as we want.  Please feel free to comment with your thoughts!

Before I go, here's a little blog entry I found that (humorously) details 25 reasons why people will stop reading your story. Hope you find it helpful!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Minutes! 11-15-11

Why hello there. Here are the minutes from our second meeting which was (very unexpectedly) held at L&L. Sheffield's was WAY too crowded.
  • We welcomed several new members to the group: Meg, Dan, Glenn, and Andrew. And there was much rejoicing. (Yay!)
  • Recap of what we decided at the first meeting for the new members.
  • Meg explained the story workshopping method she learned at Columbia College. 
  • We decided it would be fun to try some writing exercises from the aforementioned method.
  • David read his story. Group critique followed.
  • Dan read Becky's story. Group critique followed.
  • Beckah read Felipe's story. Group critique followed.
  • Meg read Glenn's story. Group critique followed.
  • We all decided it was extremely helpful to have other people read our stories.
  • As a fun, end-of-the-night exercise, we decided to take 5 minutes and write stories in response to the prompt "Cats and/or Batman." The stories turned out way better than expected. 
  • Becky mentioned that the Chicago Book Expo is this weekend, in case anyone's interested.
  • Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 29th, 7:30 p.m. at Becky's apartment.
Of course, I'm not putting directions to my apartment on a public website. That would just be silly. I'll let everyone know where that is through our google group. Looking forward to the 29th!

Second Meeting Tonight!

Remember everyone, our second meeting will be TONIGHT at 7:30 p.m. at Sheffield's. Beer, stories, fun! I will be wearing a gold sparkly turban so that you can easily find us. Because that's clearly the most logical way to do things. You can RSVP on Facebook here.

We are definitely going to have some new members, so get ready to expand.

See you there!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

First Meeting Minutes!

Well, I am happy to say that our first meeting was a resounding success! Thanks to everyone who came.  Here's a brief overview of what we discussed:
  • Tuesdays at 7:30 seem to work for everybody, so we're going to keep that as the meeting time.
  • We are going to meet every other week STARTING NEXT WEEK, NOVEMBER 15TH.
  • We should find more ways to advertise about the D&W Chicago. Some possibilities include: posting flyers in coffee shops,, Beckah getting in touch with her connections at the Columbia College fiction department.
  • We should try to have the meetings in other venues, preferably quiet bars. They don't always have to be in the same place.
  • Simply having us read our stories aloud is difficult. Therefore, we will establish a way to post our stories on Google Docs so that we can read them before each meeting. (If the Google Docs thing doesn't work out, we'll have to do this the old fashioned way--email attachments.)
  • If you want to have your story read for the next meeting, try to have it posted on Google Docs at least a day in advance.
On that note, our next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 15th, 7:30 p.m. at Sheffield's. You can identify our group by the gold sparkly turban I will be wearing. (Seriously. Keep an eye out for it.) 

Hope to see you all there! 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

To keep you occupied until our first meeting... are some other things you can do to start writing!

It is still early in November, so you have plenty of time to participate in NaNoWriMo! (National Novel Writing Month.) The goal: write a 50,000-word novel by the end of November. Are you up to the challenge? I think so.

Here are some writing contests whose deadlines are fast approaching:

Writer's Digest Short Short Story Competition - Deadline November 15th

Glimmer Train Press Short Story Award for New Writers - Deadline November 30th

Narrative Fall Story Contest - Deadline November 30th

Don't forget, our first meeting is November 8th, 7:30 p.m. at Intelligentsia Coffee on Broadway! Bring your contest entries and we'll workshop them.  Can't wait to see you!

Friday, October 21, 2011


Hello everyone. Welcome to the Chicago branch of Drivel & Wit! We're excited to get started, so our first meeting will be Tuesday, November 8th, 7:30 p.m., at Intelligentsia Coffee on Broadway. Since it's the first meeting, we will certainly be discussing the logistics of the group. But bring something of yours to read, because we'd like to begin giving feedback as well! Have fun exploring our new website, and we hope to see you there.