Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Minutes! 9-11-12

'Twas a small meeting today, but that's alright. Here's what you missed:

  • We discussed MFA programs. (Becky has an the MFA issue of Poets & Writers, and she highly recommends it if you're looking into MFA programs. Lots of useful info!)
  • We read Rachel's poem. Discussion ensued. 
  • We want to have a Mary Shelley story-telling party in October! This would involve us all writing scary stories, getting dressed up, and reading our stories to each other! Who knows? One of us may end up writing the next Frankenstein. Possible dates for this party: October 12th, 13th, 19th, 20th. Let me know what would work best for you!
  • Literary things going on in Chicago! Both Junot Diaz AND Irvine Welsh have readings in the city tomorrow (September 12th). On September 27th The Whistler is hosting a release party for Featherproof Books' collected The Minus Times. Could be fun/good networking. Anyone want to go?
  • Our next regular meeting will be September 25th at Becky's apartment, 7:30 p.m. Submit stuff! Be there!
That's about it for now. Have a good two weeks full of writing and happy times. 

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