Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Minutes! 4-10-12

Here's what you missed:
  • We read the first section of Joe's novel. Discussion ensued, and comments will be emailed to him since he wasn't at the meeting.
  • We read Meghan's story. Discussion ensued.
  • We read the next chapter of Glenn's novel. Discussion ensued.
  • We read the next chapter of Becky's novel. Discussion ensued.
  • We have officially decided that "noveling" is now a verb.
  • Since so many of our members are noveling now, let's all try to comment more online using the Google Group. That way people won't be receiving feedback on only the first halves of their chapters! 
  • C2E2 is this weekend, and there are lots of panels about writing/story creating. Even though it's mostly about writing comics, it will still probably be helpful. Becky, Meghan, and Glenn are all going. Hope to see some more of you there as well!
  • Two of Becky's stories are going to be published in a horror flash fiction anthology later this year! More details to follow as the publication date draws nearer. 
  • The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 24th at 7:30 p.m. at Becky's apartment.
And that's about it. It was a relatively tiny meeting this week. Hope to see more of you next time!

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