Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Minutes! 3-6-12

Recap of tonight's fabulous meeting:

  • We have a new member named Gena! Huzzah!
  • We also have sort of another new member; since the original Drivel & Wit in Denver has sort of fizzled, Leta will be G+-ing in for the time being. (Felipe still hasn't found an apartment, so he's been G+-ing in, too. If you have any apartment tips, let him know!)
  • Felipe, as per dibsies rules, had his story read first. Discussion ensued.
  • Leta read the first few pages of her story. Discussion ensued.
  • Rachel read some of Jane's stories. Discussion ensued.
  • Becky & Gena read some of Rachel's poems. Discussion ensued.
  • Jane read one of Gena's poems. Discussion ensued.
  • Gena described her romance novel. Discussion ensued.
  • At some point we mashed together the idea of someday having a literary reading event called "Tapas," where are the readings have to be really short. Keep in mind as a future side project.
  • Jane and Rachel are starting a book group that reads only short story collections. If you're interested, contact Jane through the Google group.
  • Because some people will be out of town the week after next, our next meeting will be on March 27th at 7:30 p.m., presumably at Becky's again. See you then!
That's it for today. You have 24 hours to call dibsies on the google group...

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