Tuesday, November 8, 2011

First Meeting Minutes!

Well, I am happy to say that our first meeting was a resounding success! Thanks to everyone who came.  Here's a brief overview of what we discussed:
  • Tuesdays at 7:30 seem to work for everybody, so we're going to keep that as the meeting time.
  • We are going to meet every other week STARTING NEXT WEEK, NOVEMBER 15TH.
  • We should find more ways to advertise about the D&W Chicago. Some possibilities include: posting flyers in coffee shops, meetup.com, Beckah getting in touch with her connections at the Columbia College fiction department.
  • We should try to have the meetings in other venues, preferably quiet bars. They don't always have to be in the same place.
  • Simply having us read our stories aloud is difficult. Therefore, we will establish a way to post our stories on Google Docs so that we can read them before each meeting. (If the Google Docs thing doesn't work out, we'll have to do this the old fashioned way--email attachments.)
  • If you want to have your story read for the next meeting, try to have it posted on Google Docs at least a day in advance.
On that note, our next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 15th, 7:30 p.m. at Sheffield's. You can identify our group by the gold sparkly turban I will be wearing. (Seriously. Keep an eye out for it.) 

Hope to see you all there! 

1 comment:

  1. Update: I've figured out how we can all easily look at each other's stories on Google Docs--D&W Chicago now has its own Google Group! If you were at the meeting tonight, you've already been invited.
