- Glenn rejoined us and we read a short story of his. Discussion ensued. Interesting thought--is it ok to have one half of a story be written in a slow, introspective manner and the second half be written in a quick, plot-heavy manner? Does it make the story too unbalanced?
- We read Gena's poems. Discussion ensued. Interesting thought--are stanzas always necessary?
- We read Chapter 5 of Becky's novel. Discussion ensued. Interesting thought--are there any good techniques to help keep your narrative voice and your characters' voices separate?
- Gena suggested we might take a field trip to the Music Box Theater to see a special showing of the National Theater's production of Frankenstein. Starring Benedict Cumberbatch and directed by Danny Boyle, this is sure to be a literary treat. Wow, I just grossed myself out by writing that. So cheesy. At any rate, it should be lots of fun. Anyone up for it?
- We are DEFINITELY taking a field trip to Printer's Row Lit Fest this Sunday! We'll probably meet there around noon. A facebook event page will be created.
- Our next meeting will be Tuesday, June 19th at 7:30 p.m. at Becky's.
That's all for now. See you next time!